Individual Coaching

Individual Coaching

Individual Coaching

“Each coaching conversation constitutes a world premiere”

By Daniel Meier, SolutionSurfers©

What a beautiful way of describing the significance and special character of a coaching conversation. Stop to all the deficits, assessed needs for development, deficiencies, problems…! Instead, and on the basis of a sophisticated, future-focused technique of asking questions, I offer my clients a safe and precious space for exchange, reflection, solutions, options, self-determination and the strengthening of know-how already existing.

My Basic Coaching Structure

  • Identification of goals and best wishes: What should be achieved during a coaching (process)?
  • What does the preferred future look like? How would you notice?
  • In the transformation process we discuss approaches to resolve your issues and concerns.
  • Finally, we check the results and discuss the next steps.

In doing so, I ask questions inviting you to imagine your preferred future

I listen attentively to

  • highest expectations
  • existing resources
  • the preferred future and what happens as a result
  • little hints of change
  • signs of progress
  • what is necessary so that future turns into reality

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