

Every human being has a unique individual personality and hence inviolable dignity

Dagmar Weiner

Our life experiences may have been painful sometimes and our permanent decision taking on which path to choose wrong, unhealthy or destructive. But this has nothing to do with the fact that each and every one of us is a unique creation. Systemic and solution-focused thinking thus assumes that there is no absolute truth. Instead, we all experience our own personal truths and construct the world as a result of them.

How can my strengths support the strengths of my clients?

  • I provide a unique combination of methods by integrating schema coaching into my solution focus approach. This is supported and complemented by my own management experience.
  • I am a very good listener and can quickly associate with my clients. This is why any coaching theory is only the foundation on which I stand. Anything else grows and develops as a result of the cooperation between coachee and coach.
  • I can refer to and rely on my very own experience as an executive in several industries.
  • Profound appreciation of every individual human being.
  • Speed: I am very focused and structured. Most coachings require only very few sessions or workshops.
  • No promises of paradise or a perfect way of being, but the proactive encouragement to work at one’s own objectives.
  • There is no panacea just as there is no single form of a perfect way of living. Solutions must be congruent with clients’ expectations, and not correspond to a specific system or order.
  • I am experienced in working in an international environment.
  • Quality: My creativity and imagination correspond well with my precision, reliability and meeting deadlines.
  • Customer focus: To me, the client sitting opposite me is in this particular moment in time the most important person in the world. My entire concentration, mindfulness, curiosity, and interest are focused on him or her.
  • Authenticity: GoodMorningConsulting is a cheerful, optimistic name with which I would like to point to my trust that a lot can be achieved by working together. As the consultant behind the name, I have – based on profound professional field experience and dedication – time and again embarked on and tested new paths myself. My clients’ jobs, their challenges, mountains and cliffs will be familiar to me. They will find in me a wholehearted, empathetic, solution-focused consultant who has great fun in achieving joint success based on substance, energy and commitment.

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