Subject Areas

Subject Areas

Themenauswahl 1
Themenauswahl 2
Themenauswahl 3

People frequently ask me “in what subject areas” I coach. For me, though, the question is rather “whom I coach”. It’s about working with individuals and teams who dare to be curious and committed, to explore their possibilities, to enjoy progress and to work at a future congruent with their needs and dreams.

  • Individual coaching of top management, executives, experts and employees
  • Solution-focused team coaching
  • Solution-focused mediation in a situation of conflict
  • Speed coaching / brief coaching
  • Coaching in the field of professional and personal growth of competencies and further development
  • Coaching during career steps and decisions, including outplacement consulting
  • Coaching during strategy development and change processes in companies
  • Coaching of personal objectives or issues, also beyond any job context
  • Employee Communications consultancy

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