Team Coaching
Team Coaching
A team can best unfold its potential if everyone gets the appreciation, recognition and scope for development and growth which he or she needs in order to perform well. Enforced conformity or the breaking of individuals never leads to the passion required in today’s agile race for innovation and market success. The respect and acknowledgement of individual skills does not exclude the powerful output of the team as a whole, on the contrary, it is its prerequisite.
As a solution-focused coach, I thus use the SolutionCircle developed by Daniel Meier am my theoretical foundation. I continue to be totally enthusiastic and surprised how much positive energy and relationships can pop up in a team! Actually, it is refreshingly simple: we do totally without the worried search for problems and we categorically renounce declaring someone or something guilty of causing a problem. Rather, we are deeply convinced that each individual and thus every team is not a problem to be solved or corrected, but rather a fascinating potential of own resources, innovation power and creativity, just as much as he or she has an inherent desire for successful relationships.
Illustration: Daniel Meier, Wege zur erfolgreichen Teamentwicklung, Basel, Switzerland, 2005,
2. überarb. Auflage, SolutionSurfers©
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